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Aggrandized Leaders: The Rise and Fall of History's Most Magnified Figures


Even with evidence that kondakovia are frequently preyed on, Lynnes says there's still no way of knowing their exact numbers. Population figures for the Architeuthis, long aggrandized in movies and literature, are equally vague. No one has ever seen a healthy, live specimen of either species.

The current study was designed to examine the experiences of organizations assisting individuals who are economically vulnerable in Waterloo Region through interorganizational collaboration. Several questions were explored in order to gain a deeper understanding of the definition of collaboration, for whom collaboration is useful, how often and with whom organizations collaborate, techniques used during collaboration, and whether collaboration should be increased and improved. Twenty Executive Directors from organizations most strongly involved in the assistance of those experiencing poverty were asked to participate in face-to-face interviews where they were asked questions based on the above mentioned questions. Qualitative analysis of the interviews demonstrated that all participants had experience with inter-organizational collaboration and overall, collaboration was believed to be an important way to resolve complex social issues like poverty. All participants offered information regarding collaboration that was placed into five main themes: definition, capacity to address social issues, quantity of collaboration, reasons and recommendations for, and challenges of aggrandized collaboration, the process, and relationship building. It was found that participants fell into one of three categories in terms of their overall feeling about collaboration: enthusiastic collaborators are those who seek, promote and use collaboration often; ambivalent collaborators are those who frequently collaborate and like collaboration, but would also be willing to address poverty without engaging in collaborative efforts; resistant collaborators are those who will use collaboration if necessary but do not actively seek to collaborate and encourage other ways to address social issues. Regardless of feelings toward collaboration, overall, it was felt to be a useful way to help address societal challenges such as poverty.


A few leagues from my cottage, in one of the most fertile areas in France, there lies a certain immense property. For only the past ten years the place has belonged to a well-known banker, but it isn't used for hunting parties. The chateau was partly demolished during the first revolution. Nothing remains of it but an uncrowned brick tower and some charred walls that invade the weeds, which grow into trees, and the moss. The banker considered rebuilding it according to its original design, but then abandoned the idea because of the expense involved. He already had an historic estate near Paris that sufficiently accommodated his pride. But here the beautiful and well-preserved outbuildings have been converted into residences, and they make superb figures in the vast park, planted with giant trees, woven with royal lawns that roll down, waving, to meet the Forest of P___, which is a State Forest renowned for its high stands of timber. To the right, at a distance of ten kilometers, interspersed here and there with groves and thickets, lie the lands that depend economically on the estate. The new owner has much aggrandized the primitive place. All around the chateau, he has bought up the fields, the farms, and the meadows, so as to create for himself a sort of inviolable kingdom, where he could be the sole master --a harsh, implacable master who did not take his property rights lightly. He did not have any political designs on the country. The peasants, lured by the banker's gold, have little by little ceded the soil they once possessed. They have left to work elsewhere. Only a few old people lingered, aside from some woodcutters and paupers. It's sinister, and makes one shudder, to encounter one of them. 2ff7e9595c


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