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In this post, we'll explore the world of flight simulation for those who want a more realistic experience than what's available with a joystick. We'll mention some of the common flight simulation software programs and what each offers, as well as examine how hardware can enhance the simulation process. Flight simulation is very much an involved process. The most important part of the whole affair is hardware, but there are other aspects to be considered as well. Those parts, plus several tips and tricks with video game controllers, will be discussed in this article/post. For those who've never flown before, remember that with any type of simulation, the most important thing is to gather as much information before you begin. You'll want to gather basic information about weather conditions, your systems (aircraft), fuel requirements, and some basic flight rules. The first step is research. Go online and do a search for "flight simulator" or "flight sim. software" or "Flight Simulator" or "FS". The search term will probably present you with a variety of websites from which to choose a flight simulator. Before purchasing a flight simulator, first read about the various options available on each site so you can make an informed decision. Consider the software's capabilities and how it will be used before pulling out your wallet. The first piece of hardware you'll want is a joystick for playing flight simulation. There are many types of joysticks for use with flight simulations. We'll mention a few of the basic types in this article. Joysticks are very important in flight simulation. When playing a flight simulator, it is very easy to get into a situation where you cannot move your plane's controls effectively. The joystick allows you to do this without moving to the keyboard and mouse next to the monitor. Joysticks come in many shapes and sizes, from small joysticks that will fit well on your desk to large tracking sticks with built-in LCDs for real-time view of your plane's controls. The first joystick that most people think of is probably the one that comes with their computer, the Game/Flight/GameCube axes. These axes are small, simple, and can easily be operated if you move to the keyboard and mouse. They are not good for playing flight simulation though because there is no throttle or rudder control. Next in line is the Thrustmaster Warthog Joystick. This joystick has many features unavailable on other joysticks at a reasonable price. The throttle and rudder controls are extremely realistic which makes them great for flying simulations like 'flight simulators' or 'flight sims'. eccc085e13


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