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Supreme Commander 2 v1.250 Definitive edition hack working: Boost your performance and rank with thi


MoltkeQuite unlike Jomini, the great German soldier Helmuth von Moltke ("the Elder," 1800-1891) was a self-professed disciple of Clausewitz. Austere but remarkably tactful, Moltke was that rarity, an intellectual and a staff officer who made his mark as a great commander.*41 He was selected as Chief of the Prussian General Staff in 1857 and remained in the job until 1888. It is for his work in this position that he is chiefly remembered today. Before Moltke brought it to prominence by masterminding the great Prussian victory at Königgrätz (1866), so obscure was the position of Chief of the General Staff that one general, upon receiving his orders, is said to have asked, "Who is this Moltke?" Working (not always harmoniously) with Otto von Bismarck as chancellor and Albrecht von Roon as minister of war, Moltke did a great deal to create the German military model that came to dominate military organizations throughout the world. Moltke's military behavior and his explicit discussions of military theory reveal a mind thoroughly grounded in the concepts of On War, but much more concerned with practical organizational matters than with strategic abstractions. (Of course, Clausewitz the soldier could have been described in much the same terms.) He left an intellectual and organizational legacy, however, that seems to many to contradict that of his master.On the issue of the political control of war, Moltke argued that "Strategy can direct its efforts only toward the highest goal that the available means make practically possible. It best supports policy in working solely to further political aims, but as far as possible in operating independent of policy. Policy dare not intrude itself in[to] operations."*42 In other words, the political leadership could dominate only at the beginning and end of a war. In the meantime, the role of the military leadership was to reduce the enemy to helpless acquiescence in the political goals of the victorious state. Military leaders must be allowed to do their jobs without political interference. Moltke evidently believed that his views on this matter were in complete accordance with Clausewitz, quoting one of the latter's letters: "The role and right of military science, as regards policy, is principally to take care that policy does not demand things contrary to the nature of warfare, nor, through ignorance of the operation of the instrument, commit errors in the utilization thereof."

As a fighting squad, the Germa makes extensive and adept use of sophisticated military technology, which they continually improve and develop through engagement in warfare.[14] This technology is so advanced that Big Mom of the Four Emperors sought an alliance with the Vinsmokes in order to gain access to their resources.[15] The Vinsmoke siblings who co-command Germa's forces directly under their father are also genetically modified humans whose combat prowess and special abilities easily eclipse the limitations of average humans.[16] Furthermore, they have been shown to use combat gear, including shoes that allow them to hover in midair, jump large distances, and boost their kick power.[17][18] The army's supreme commander also possesses an assortment of weapons powered by electromagnetic energy.[19]

Supreme Commander 2 v1.250 Definitive edition hack working



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