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Thirsty Script Bold Font Free Download: The Contemporary Script from Yellow Design Studio


Thirsty Script mild thirsty script normal thirsty script medium thirsty script ambitious. Another one is Thirsty Script extra ambitious thirsty script black thirsty script shadow light-thirsty script shadow normal. The last one is Thirsty Script Shadow medium thirsty script shadow ambitious thirsty script shadow greater ambitious thirsty script shadow black.

It has wonderful glyphs and textures that provide more than 200 stylish script characters including uppercase, lowercase, numerals. general punctuations, icons, symbols, and many other special characters. This font family can be also specified with the CSS family.

thirsty script bold font free download

This font family can also be used in the CSS family. A perfect sans-serif font having amazing texture and styling that would be great for giving an elegant look to your designs. Intro Font is the most similar font to this typeface. Its free version is available for free on this website, which can use in your personal projects.

Besides, Its bold weight is very suitable for any headline and title. It can also be used within an office environment like in your general reports, daily records, Powerpoint Presentations, Quotes, Post descriptions, Advertisements as well as Social Media Posts, Product packaging, Branding projects, and many other related things.

Here is a freeware version of this typeface that can use freely in all your personal and private projects. Just click on the below download button to get the font in a zip file format. In the case of commercial purposes, you must buy its license from any reliable source.

This is a free font for any type of graphic designs project. There is no license required while using it in your personal project but if you want to use it for commercial projects then the font license is highly recommended.

Author: Ryan MartinsonCompany: Ryan Martinson License informationThe Thirsty Script Medium font provided is for typography style knowledge only. The download is completely free for personal use and the font cannot be used for commercial purposes.Therefore, if you wish to use this font for commercial purposes, you must purchase a license or contact the author for permission to use it. How to install the Thirsty Script Medium fontYou can install the Thirsty Script Medium font on any operating system. For safety and to ensure that there is no Malware or malicious software, downloading the source file é compressed in ZIP format. Fonts are in OTF (OpenType) or TTF (TrueType) format.Click here to install the font on Microsoft Windows (all versions).Click here to install the font on MAC OS. Download variations of Thirsty Script Mediumif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'maisfontes_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',550,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-maisfontes_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');According to the Thirsty Script Medium font family, below, we have listed other fonts that may be useful for your project. We have made an improved selection especially for you.Random fonts: Click to load 3 other fontsThirsty Regular Download this fontThirsty Script Black Download this fontThirsty Script Bold Shd Download this fontThirsty Script Extra Bold Demo Download this fontThirsty Script Extrabold Shd Download this font Leave your feedback for the Thirsty Script Medium fontFinally, it's very important that we know your feedback about the Thirsty Script Medium font. Also tell us what type of project you used. Sharing your opinion and ideas will help many other participants in the MaisFontes community to improve the arts.Also take the opportunity to share on social networks or click SAVE to keep this font in your fonts panel in the User Portal. Create a free account on MaisFontes by clicking here. Cloud words: Thirsty Script Medium Thirsty Script Medium font download;Thirsty Script Medium font free;Thirsty Script Medium download;Thirsty Script Medium Font;Thirsty Script Medium Logotipo;free font Thirsty Script Medium;Thirsty Script Medium free font;Font Thirsty Script Medium; Thirsty Script MediumEmail type correctly your email Cancel Send email Click to show the lettertypethirsty-script-medium.png Save imageDonate and help us!Continue browsingType your comment below. Cancel CommentComentários ComentarBe the first to comment.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'maisfontes_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_10',117,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-maisfontes_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad MaisFontes 2014-2023

Aguafina Script Pro is a beautiful script which looks very aggressive and attractive at the same time. This is a thin script with condensed and edgy look that can be a perfect fonts for any type of layout you wish to create.

Fancier Script is a very artistic and attractive cursive font style inspired from vintage sign painters, designed by Jess Latham. This font offers not just many cursive details but it also offers a fully customizable script perfect for any layout options.

Sauber Script is a preppy and fully versatile type of cursive font with bold and neat spacing that adds more character to this typeface. It has a corporate appeal that will surely give professional look on your headlines, designed by Michael Hochleitner.

Ritts Cursive is a font style inspired from contemporary typefaces which offers bold and compact cursive font with sharp edges. This font is designed by Olcar Alcaide with over 700 glyphs and contextual stylistic alternates.

Gelato Script is a beautiful smooth-flowing font style with lots of stylistic character to offer. From the name itself, Gelato is like a seamless gelatin with bold and compact letterforms, influenced from formal script and hand lettering, it is designed by Dave Rowland.

Mirella Script is inspired from French Bastarde script but with more enhance feature to make it more appealing and stylish. This font offers many ligature forms, ornaments and many artistic variations, designed by Iza W and Paolo W.

Freestyle Script is simple, bold and compact cursive font, designed by Martin Wait. Its simplicity is one great feature that will give an edge to your designs and basically what Freestyle is made of, simplicity at its best.

The following free web fonts are similar to Thirsty Script. The fonts are sorted by its similarity. If you want to use one of these free fonts, just click on the preview and choose some provider like Google Fonts.If you don't want to let Google count your font usage, then download the Webfont Kit from another site and host the font file on your server.Thirsty Script Oleo Script Swash Caps - 700 (36% similar) used on 17 sitesLobster - regular (36% similar) used on 711 sitesModak - regular (35% similar) Passion One - 900 (35% similar) used on 47 sitesLobster Two - 700italic (34% similar) used on 234 sitesTitillium Web - 900 (34% similar) used on 1811 sitesBevan - regular (34% similar) used on 73 sitesKnewave - regular (34% similar) Chivo - 900italic (34% similar) used on 65 sitesErica One - regular (34% similar) Thirsty Script Family Web Fonts12 font styles belongs to the Helvetica font family:

Here we have compiled some of the useful Vintage Fonts that we have handpicked for your easy browsing. All of these fonts are free to download and most of them are also free to be used in commercial designs. Nevertheless, be sure to check out the terms and conditions of each of these freebies to be sure. Other than that, have fun scrolling down and finding the best fonts you were looking for. Come, take a peek, and choose your pick.

Please see the details of the Thirsty Script Extrabold Demo font below. The details includes the note of the author, license type and the representation of the font in [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9] characters.

  • If the downloaded file is in zip format, extract the file Windows 10/8/7/Vista: Right-click on the font files > "Install"

  • Windows XP: Put the font files into C:\Windows\Fonts

  • Mac OS X: Double-click the font file > "Install font" button.

I can see commercial fonts being offered to download for free on this website. If you find anything wrong with any font whether a commercial font is allowed to be downloaded for free or your font is presented by other author, use the Report Font feature.

Google fonts is a great universal source for over 17 trillion free fonts. You can search by both category (ex. serif, sans serif, handwriting) and font properties (ex. thickness, slant) as well as typing in the font name. A unique part of the tool is that it lists suggested font pairings on each font page, just below the main content.

DaFont, despite its sketchy name, is another safe source for free downloadable fonts. Many of them are free designs that look similar to popular fonts. You can browse by style or type in the name of the font. Personally, I usually sort by popularity which yeilds the most usable options.

Integral CF: Ultra Bold titling font made by Connary Fagen comes with six weights. This is an all caps font that provides an extensive Latin script support. The font can be used in posters, social media posts, titles, or any other display design that you need to be noticed.

The Bold Font designed by Sven Pels is a totally free basic font that I am sure all big and bold font lovers will enjoy. This is an all caps powerful font for your designs such as logos, signs, banners, titles, headers, websites, packaging and more!

a Big Deal font has a bold and classic style. This font can be chosen for designs that need a lot of attention from the audience. For example, the headline of a website, magazines, flyers, and many more is appropriate.

Fontuna Bold made by NREY is an elegant condensed font with a bold style. This Sans Serif font has a modern and vintage touch and includes upper and lower case letters. Alternates characters and ligatures are supported by the font. You can use the font for wedding designs, apparel, packaging, cards, posters, and more. Multilingual support is provided by the font. 2ff7e9595c


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